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TBM a disturbance in Business Mobile Market


We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Business Mobile a new way to purchase and manage your Company mobile estate.

TBM has partnered with Daisy Communications to offer your business the best mobile solutions in the market today.

As the UK gets back to the new normal, we realised the traditional way Companies purchased their mobile phones and how they were used before Covid-19 was just not relevant anymore.

"What do you mean, not relevant?"

Well the way people now work, we realised mobile phones have never been more vital for the way business interacts with its internal colleagues and its external customers and suppliers.

Lets give you an example; Company 'A' had a fully integrated telephony and mobile solution. When lockdown came in March 2021, Company A utilised features and apps that linked their landlines to their mobile phones using IoT. On day 2 of lockdown a client called Company A's main phone number, this was diverted to the receptionist switch board, who quickly identified the home worker and transferred the call seamlessly.

Company A also had all its staff on the firms business mobile platform, meaning staff could easily tether mobile data when their own home Wi-Fi was overrun and band-with was poor at best and occasionally down.

The outcome was business as usual and the firm thrived through those early lock-down months, they never missed a call, the staff could all communicate with each other easily and productivity went up 20% according the FD.

Unfortunately Company 'B' were not as fortunate, Why? They weren't prepared and didn't have the infrastructure in place to run the operation successfully, Why? Like many firms they didn't know how difficult and restrictive the pandemic would become.

Company B's staff policy meant not all staff had a works mobile, meaning they didn't have a complete end to end solution. They could get the Apps to work, staff were reticent to use their personal phones. Some members of staff didn't have smart phones some had very small data allowances. Needless to say the Companies productivity plummeted and some staff were demoralised by the firms lack of planning and technology available.

The message here is speak to TBM we have over 30 years experience in business telecommunications and mobile telephony, link that to our Partner network - we know you'll be in safe hands.



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